Contextual – Homework

Doctor Who – Midnight

Image result for doctor who midnight

The subject for this piece is Midnight, a Doctor Who episode which experiments with and deconstructs the show’s format. Midnight is a bottle episode, taking place almost entirely on a single closed set and using very little in the way of special effects. The episode is set on the planet of Midnight, a world made entirely of diamonds, but which is so aggressively bombarded with radiation that no one can ever live on its surface. In spite of this, a spa resort was constructed on it, concealed in feet of protective glass. One of the amenities provided is a bus that tours a portion of the planet. The Doctor takes the eight hour round journey, while then-companion Donna declines and decides to stay behind.

Ultimately, the premise of the episode goes as follows; the tour bus breaks down halfway through the journey, leaving a selection of concerned tourists stranded on a planet where nothing should ever live. And then something knocks on the door.

The thing that makes Midnight interesting compared to other episodes is that its tone and message is practically the exact opposite of all that came before. While the show generally holds an optimistic view of humanity, here humans are shown as scared and petty, turning on one another when they’re unable to cope with the present circumstances. The Doctor tries everything he’s tried before and finds it no longer works. He tries to learn more about the creature outside (and later inside) the cabin, all to no avail. He tries to establish himself as a figure of authority and only finds himself trusted less as all aboard demand to know his name and where he comes from. By the climax of the episode the Doctor is rendered completely powerless to the whims of a scared, angry mob who have become convinced that he’s the problem aboard the coach. Running completely counterpoint to every episode thus far, the problem is resolved by random chance and human sacrifice, left in the hands of a group of people with no idea what they’re doing.

Photoshop – Tools


Pictured above is the Photoshop toolbar. Here is pretty much what everything does, respectively:

-Selection Tool – This is basically the mouse. You use it to drag stuff around.

-Marquee Tool – The marquee is used to select a specific area to do stuff in. There’s a rectangular marquee, an elliptical marquee and single rows and columns.

-Lasso Tool – The lasso tool allows you to select specific elements of the image to drag away or delete.

-Magic Wand Tool – The magic wand tool automatically selects elements to drag away or delete.

-Slice Tool – The slice tool cuts your image into quadrilateral sections. It’s most often used to make webpages, as you can add hyperlinks to the specific sections.

-Eye Dropper Tool – The eye dropper tool helps you to select colours from the image to copy.

-Spot Healing Tool – The spot healing tool allows you to replace one area of an image with the area surrounding it. It’s normally used to restore damaged photos by brushing over creases.

-Brush Tool – Painting tool. Nuff said.

-Clone Stamp Tool – The clone stamp allows you to copy another part of the image and put it down somewhere else.

-History Brush Tool – The history brush can restore part of an image to an earlier state.

-Eraser Tool – Erases.

-Gradient Tool – The gradient tool creates colour gradients from one end of an image to another.

-Blur Tool – The blur tool blurs the edges of images.

-Sponge Tool – ???

-Pen Tool – Draws shapes with curves and anchors.

-Text tool – TEXT.

-Selection Tool – ???

-Rectangle Tool – RECTANGLES.

-Hand Tool – Allows you to pan across an image without ruining anything.

-Zoom Tool – Zooms.