
Project Launch: 25/02/19

Project Start: 25/03/19

Project End: 17/05/19

Hand In Date: 24/05/19

Summative Assessment: 27/05/19









-Motor Skills

FMP – Ideas

Treatment For A TV Show

My first idea for FMP is to make a ‘show bible’ outlining a TV show. The general industry standard for a show bible tends to cover format, structure, themes, characters and a pilot script at the very least. Beyond the pilot script a detailed outline of the first few episodes is required as well as rough concepts for the rest of the first season and an idea of where the show can go either through the following five years or to the end; whichever comes first. The purpose of a show bible is twofold; it gives the writing staff a clear idea of what they’re doing, and it sells the show to the producers. To add a visual element to the project I would provide concept art of characters and the show’s aesthetic.

Short Film

Another idea is to make a short film, probably between 5 and 10 minutes in length. This is a much more standard project, but probably also more difficult to pull off. I have access to actors and sets, but without careful planning there may be long periods in which I am unable to do anything due to a lack of new footage. There may also be a greater margin of error with this project, as I don’t have much experience directing, though it would be a good time to learn if I wanted to do something similar next year.

FMP – Presentation Format

Slide 1 – Introduction to idea

Slide 2 – Explanation of idea

Slide 3 – Reasoning behind idea

Slide 4 – Pros of idea

Slide 5 – Cons of idea

Slide 6 – Challenges to overcome with idea

Slide 7 – Time management plan

Slide 8 – Conclusion