Visual Communication – Interesting Timelines

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This is just a template for a timeline, but it has a minimalist style which closely translates to a lot of other styles of timeline paired with an interesting use of negative space in the dates. Also interesting is that it runs vertically rather than horizontally.

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This is another example of a minimalist style with a use of negative space, this time put into action. I’m personally not a fan of this one. It doesn’t really match the style or invoke and thoughts of the period it’s mapping out, and the supplementation is basic at best. It also seems to entirely miss out the start of the war, which was arguably a huge step towards the escalation of the Holocaust.

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This is one which very much matches the style I aimed for with my 80s and 90s timelines, consisting of portraiture and tessellation. Hexagons are a much more modern shape used in designs than the diamonds I used.

Image result for timeline infographic

This might work quite well if it just stopped as a multi-layered timeline, but instead it was stretched around in a circle and immediately became almost illegible. There’s not necessarily a reason for this either as, so far as I can tell, there’s nothing specifically cyclical represented in the timeline.